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Warning Signs of a Testosterone Imbalance

Warning Signs of a Testosterone Imbalance

Often called the male hormone, testosterone plays a vital role in male characteristics, men’s sexual health, and sperm production. It also enhances men’s muscle development, red blood cell formation, bone density, libido, and general well-being. In women, testosterone supports muscle strength, bone health, mood, and sexual function. 

Hormonal balance is essential for looking and feeling your best. Yet men’s testosterone levels decline by about 1% every year after age 40, leading to symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, low libido, and even depression. Similarly, in women, low testosterone can result in reduced energy, muscle strength, and libido, along with mood changes. Testosterone that is too high, on the other hand, can cause issues such as unwanted hair growth or acne. 

The good news? Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy brings testosterone back into a healthy range, allowing you to feel more like yourself. Visit Lionel Bissoon, DO, at Liondale Medical on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City if you notice signs of testosterone imbalance. 

The following 12 symptoms may indicate testosterone levels that are either too low or high.

1. Low sex drive

Testosterone fuels libido, so a drop in levels can significantly reduce sex drive. See Dr. Bissoon for an evaluation if you suspect your low sex drive is caused by hormone imbalance.

2. Sexual dysfunction

Low testosterone increases the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED), which is the inability to get or sustain an effective erection. Women with low testosterone might experience vaginal dryness, which can make sex feel painful. Testosterone replacement therapy helps restore function — and your sex life.

3. Infertility

In men, low testosterone can reduce sperm count and shrink testicles. High testosterone levels caused by taking anabolic steroids can also shrink testicles, decrease sperm production, and contribute to infertility. In women, testosterone imbalance can cause irregular menstruation and impact fertility. If you struggle to conceive, consider having your hormone levels checked.

4. Hair changes

Because testosterone influences hair growth, a testosterone imbalance can contribute to changes in your hair. Low testosterone levels may cause thinning hair on your scalp or reduce pubic and armpit hair. Elevated testosterone can increase facial and body hair growth.

5. Skin issues

Low testosterone can lead to dry, brittle skin, while excessive testosterone may trigger acne. Optimal hormone balance promotes healthy, vibrant skin.

6. Hot flashes

Just as women often experience hot flashes during menopause, men can develop hot flashes or sweats because of low testosterone — also sometimes referred to as male menopause. 

7. Breast changes

Men with low testosterone may develop breast swelling, enlargement (gynecomastia), or tenderness, which can lead to discomfort or embarrassment. Women with high testosterone might notice a decrease in breast size. Hormone treatments that restore balance can reduce these effects.

8. Loss of height

A decrease in height with age or frequent fractures could indicate lower bone mineral density due to hormonal imbalance. Track your height over time to spot potential signs of hormone irregularities.

9. Mental health challenges

Testosterone imbalance — particularly if it’s low  — can contribute to mood swings, depression, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and poor memory. Elevated testosterone can trigger aggressive or risky behaviors. Balancing testosterone can support stable mood and cognitive function. 

10. Fatigue

Fatigue and low motivation both signal low testosterone or other hormone imbalances in men and women. Hormone replacement therapy can restore energy and improve quality of life.

11. Poor sleep

Hormone irregularities in men and women can cause sleep disturbances. Low testosterone can lead to insomnia and daytime sleepiness. 

12. Body composition changes

Low testosterone can increase body fat and decrease muscle mass, muscle tone, strength, and endurance. It can contribute to undesirable body composition changes and affect your metabolism. To boost muscle mass and lean out, consider testosterone replacement therapy at Liondale Medical.

Treating your testosterone imbalance

Diagnosing hormone imbalance involves discussing your symptoms and medical history, performing a physical exam, and conducting a blood test. Treatment options to restore balance include creams, gels, pills, patches, pellets, or injections. Dr. Bissoon monitors your hormone levels periodically to ensure they remain within a healthy range. 

If you suspect an imbalance, schedule an evaluation with Dr. Bissoon at Liondale Medical by phone or online today to determine if you’re a candidate for hormone replacement therapy.

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