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5 Anti-Aging Benefits of NAD Therapy Jan 6th, 2025

To understand how NAD can help with anti-aging, you need to know why it’s so powerful.  Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a co-enzyme in all living cells. You have lots of NAD when you’re young, but by middle age, your NAD levels plummet by about half. Other factors can also...

Lyme Disease: Conflicted Experts, Patients in the Crossfire Apr 22nd, 2020

One day, Meghan O’Rourke started experiencing “electrical shocks” throughout her legs and arms - a spasming and itchiness that left doctors confused. Like many other patients, the doctors all sent her home with simple hypotheses and a “wait-and-see” treatment plan. But more symptoms piled on over the years, forcing her to continue seeking answers,...

Regenerative Cellular Medicine to Treat Frailty in Old Age Apr 22nd, 2020

Regenerative Cellular Medicine could Treat Frailty in Old Age Frailty is a common condition as we age, and 10% of all people aged 60 or older have this condition. Symptoms of frailty include reduced physical functions, lowered immunity, and cognitive loss. Eventually, those experiencing frailty may have an increased dependence...

How Wall Street and tech bros are staying forever young: Dr. Lionel Bissoon's interview with New Yor Apr 22nd, 2020

Want to know how to stay young, fit and energized? Learn how all the major New York executives do it in Dr. Lionel Bissoon's interview with the New York Post, "How Wall Street and tech bros are staying forever young." Read the original article on the New York Post's website here: HGH...

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women in their 40s Could Prevent Alzheimer’s Apr 22nd, 2020

Women make up the majority of Alzheimer’s cases. While scientists don’t fully understand all of the mechanisms behind women’s increased risk factor, researchers have found one treatment to help curb the onset of Alzheimer’s: hormone replacement therapy. Women’s Hormones and Alzheimer’s Preclinical studies have found a potential culprit behind women’s...

Simple Anti-Aging tips from Dr. Bissoon Apr 22nd, 2020

Could your sleep habits cause wrinkles? What other lifestyle choices will keep us looking forever young? Dr. Lionel Bissoon was invited to weigh in on LIVESTRONG.COM's list of top Anti-Aging tips. Which of these skin sins are you committing?  The Trick to Beauty Sleep Quality of sleep plays a significant role in our...

Watch! Magazine interviews Dr. Bissoon on his Top 5 Anti-Aging Tips for Men Apr 22nd, 2020

Watch! Magazine got in touch with Dr. Bissoon to find out his top 5 anti-aging tips for men. Read the article below, or download the article in its full form. The Top 5 Tips for Men on Looking, Living and Loving Better After years of getting away with murder when it came to...

Watch Magazine features Dr. Lionel Bissoon Apr 22nd, 2020

In the Body & Soul section of Watch Magazine (December 2012), an Anti-Aging article highlights Dr. Lionel Bissoon's Anti-Aging Therapies. Read his advice below, or download a PDF of the article! New Year, New You: 7 Anti-Aging Secrets and Strategies to Stop the Clock We can’t all have a naturally thin and...

BBC Brasil: Executives in the U.S. try to slow aging hormones Apr 22nd, 2020

Executives and professionals in the United States have been seeking a controversial and expensive hormone replacement therapy to combat effects usually associated with stress and aging. With just over 30 years, the American executive JG began to feel depressed and anxious. He had trouble sleeping, your libido was no longer...

Diet Plan With HCG, a Fertility Hormone, Has Fans and Critics - New York Times Apr 22nd, 2020

Every morning, Kay Brown engages in a ritual similar to a heroin addict’s, or a diabetic’s: she sticks herself with a syringe. Only hers contains hCG, a pregnancy hormone. Ms. Brown, 35, is not taking hCG to help her bear a child. She believes that by combining the hormone injections with a 500-calorie-a-day...

Keep Taking the Testosterone - Financial Times Apr 22nd, 2020

High T: Lionel Bissoon (above) has seen a rise in demand for testosterone from Wall Street workers. Until a few years ago, doctor Lionel Bissoon, who practises what he calls integrative medicine on Manhattan’s smart Upper West Side, mostly treated middle-aged women for what is politely known as cellulite. Then...